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THIS IS THE LASTE WILL WRITTEN and disposition of me Sir Thomas Gresham
of the cittye of London knighte, concerninge all my mannors, landes, tenementes,
and hereditamentes, mentioned and conteyned in one quadripartite indenture,
made betweene me the said Sir Thomas Gresham and dame Anne my wife on the
one partye, and Phillippe Scudamore gent. and Thomas Celey on thother partie,
dated the 20 day of May, in the seaventeenth yere of the raigne of our
soveraigne lady queene Elizabeth....
Sir Thomas Gresham (c.1519-1579) AND I will and dispose, that ... the said maior and corporation of the said cittye [London] ... shall give and distribute to and for the sustentation, mayntenaunce, and findinge foure persons from tyme to tyme to be chosen, nominated, and appointed by the said maior and cominalty and cittezens and theire successors, mete to read the lectures of divynitye, astronomy, musicke, and geometry, within myne owne dwellinge house in the parishe of St. Hellynes in Bishopsgate streete and St. Peeters the pore in the cittye of London ... the somme of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England, in manner and forme followinge, viz. to every of the said readers for the tyme beinge the somme of fifty pounds of lawfull money of England yerely, for theire sallaries and stipendes, mete for foure sufficiently learned to read the said lectures; the same stipendes and sallaries , and every of them, to be paid at two usuall tearmes in the yere yerely, that is to say, at the feastes of thannunciation of St. Mary the Virgin and of St. Mighell tharchangell, by even portions to be paid.... AND ... that they and theire successors every yere yerely shall give, and pay, and distribute to and for the findinge, sustentation and maynetenaunce of three persons, by them the said wardeins and cominalty and theire successors from tyme to tyme to be chossen and appointed, meete to reade the lectures of law, phissicke, and rethoricke, within myne nowe dwellinge house in the parrishe of St. Hellyns in Bishopesgate streete and St. Peters the pore, in the said cittye of London ... the somme of one hundred and fifty poundes of lawfull money of England, in manner and forme followinge, viz. to every of the said readers for the tyme beinge the somme of fiftye poundes, for theire sallaries and stipendes, mete for three sufficeintly learned to reade the said lectures, at two usuall tearmes in the yere, that is to say, at the feast of thannunciation of the blessed Virgin Marye and of St. Mighell the Archangell, by even portions to be paid....
Thomas Gresham's mansion converted into an instructional facility with lodgings and research space for professors of Law, Physics, Music, Divinity, Geometry, Rhetoric, and Astronomy. AND ... shall permitte and suffer seaven persons, by them from tyme to tyme to be elected and appointed in manner and forme aforesaid, meete and sufficiently learned to reade the said seaven lectures, to have the occupation of all my said mansion house, gardeins, and of all other thappurtenaunces, for them and every of them there to inhabite, study, and daylie to reade the said severall lectures. And my will is, that none shall be chossen to reade any of the said lectures, so longe as he shall be married, nor be suffered to reade any of the said lectures after that he shalbe married, neither shall receave any fee or stipend appointed for the readinge of the said lectures.... IN WITNES whereof I the said Sir Thomas Gresham have written this will all with myne owne hand, and to each of the eight leaves have subscribed my name ; and to a labell fixed there unto all the eight leaves have setto my seal with the grashopper, the 5 day of July, in the seventeenth yere of the raigne of our soveraigne lady queene Elizabeth, and in the yere of our Lord God, ann. 1575. By me THOMAS GRESHAMWitnesses to this last will and testament of the said Sir Thomas Gresham the persons whose names be subscribed, PH. SCUDAMOR, |
1620 1630 1643 1648 1657 1662 1664 1665 |
Henry Briggs
Peter Turner John Greaves Ralph Button Daniel Whistler Laurence Rooke Isaac Barrow Arthur Dacres Robert Hooke |
1613 1619 1626 1636 1637 1641 1652 1657 1660 1687 1691 |
Edward Brerewood
Thomas Williams Edmund Gunter Henry Gellibrand Samuel Foster Mungo Murray Samuel Foster Lawrence Rooke Christopher Wren Walter Pope Daniel Man Alexander Torriano |
1599 1604 1606 1610 1612 1629 1641 1661 1686 1691 |
Anthony Wotton
Hugo Gray William Dakins George Mountayne William Osbolston Samuel Brooke Richard Holdsworth Thomas Horton George Gifford Henry Wells Edward Lany |
1607 1610 1638 1650 1660 1681 1696 |
John Bull
Thomas Clayton John Taverner Richard Knight William Petty Thomas Baynes William Perry John Newey |
1598 1613 1619 1627 1638 1654 1659 1670 1676 1686 1696 |
Caleb Willis
Richard Ball Charles Croke Henry Croke Edward Wilkinson John Goodridge Richard Hunt William Croune Henry Jenkes John King Charles Gresham Edward Martyn |
1607 1615 1643 1652 1655 1675 1679 |
Matthew Gwinne
Peter Mounsell Thomas Winston Paul de Laune Thomas Winston Jonathan Goddard John Mapletoft Henry Paman Edward Stillingfleet John Woodward |
1607 1613 1640 1644 1649 1650 1660 1667 1670 1672 1687 |
Henry Mowtlow
Clement Corbet Thomas Eden Benjamin Thorneton Joshua Crosse Thomas Leonard John Bond Benjamin Thorneton Richard Pearson John Clarke Roger Meredith Robert Briggs |
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