In class today
* = R&R Course Bookle
Supporting Materials
Description of the English Major |
Thursday, 9/22

Charles I from 3 angles |
A king beheaded,
A Puritan Interregnum,
A king restored
Portability as a principle of analysis
John Dryden, Astrea Redux, introduction
Lecture #1 outline |
King Charles I - Youtube feature
King Charles II - Youtube feature
Secret Code
A poem from May 1649
The House of Stuart |
Tuesday, 9/27

Book of Common Prayer 1662 |
Dryden, Astraea Redux 19 June
Please find here a link to lines 1-118 and 250-end of John Dryden's "Astraea Redux."
For a collection of poems written in relation to Charles' return, see next column.
The lecture will be on - "Astraea Redux"
The meaning & implications of " Astraea Returns"
Does anyone want to correct this Wikipedia entry--for our message board (and for participation credit)?
Poems desiring and celebrating the return of Charles IIß |
Thursday, 9/29

Katherine Philips
Katherine Philips (1632-1664)
“Arion to a Dolphin, On His Majesty's passage into England” *
“On the Death of my First and Dearest Child, Hector Philips” *
”In Memory of F.P.” **
”To my Lady M. Cavendish” *
”Against Love” **
”To my Excellent Lucasia” *
“Friendship’s Mystery” *
“Song” *
“To One persuading a Lady to Marriage”*
Printer-friendly lecture outline sent by e-mail.
Study Questions (SQ) Katherine Philips
Tuesday, 10/4
William Wycherley
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680), “Satire on Charles II.” *
William Wycherley, The Country Wife
IF YOUR LAST NAME BEGINS WITH "A" or "B," please write an entry on the message board in the forum on Rochester and Wycherley. You can respond to a study question or comment on what interests you most. Please post your entry by 5:00 p.m. Monday, 10/3.
Thomas Hobbes, Selections from The Leviathan (1651) for lecture.
You should start thinking about your paper topic. Please see the Paper Page.
Printer-friendlylecture outline sent by e-mail.
SQ "Satire on Charles II"
SQ The Country Wife
|Helen Mirren as Marjorie Pinchwife Youtube
| The China Scene Youtube
| Segment from the beginning of The Country Wife YouTube
Reviews of modern productions: 2000 | 2007 | 2007 | 2007 | 2010 | 2011 | |
Thursday, 10/6
The Country Wife |
Rochester, "Woman's Honour" |
Tuesday, 10/11 |
The Country Wife
IF YOUR LAST NAME BEGINS WITH "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" or "Z," please write an entry on the message board in the forum on Rochester and Wycherley. You can respond to a study question or comment on lecture or discussion so far or on what interests you most. Please post your entry by 5:00 p.m. Monday, 10/10.
Chap. XVIII of Machiavelli's The Prince.
Selections from Thomas Hobbes's The Leviathan |
Thursday, 10/13
Earl of Rochester
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680), Satyr Against Reason and Mankind *
If your last name begins with "C," "F," "H," or "K," please write an entry on the message board. You can respond to a study question or you can write about anything that interests you about the poem.
Printer friendly lecture slides sent by e-mail |
SQ Satyr Against Reason and Mankind
E-text Satire Against Reason and Mankind
Rochester's Life was in a sense a parallel construction.
A view of his character
Article on SATIRE, written by Robert C. Elliott || Encyclopedia Britannica
Review of The Libertine
Tuesday, 10/18
Satyr Against Reason and Mankind *
If your last name begins with "L," "M," or "N," please write an entry on Satyr Against Reason and Mankind OR respond to one of he entries posted on 10/13.
Printer-friendly lecture outline sent by e-mail.
Everyone: Messageboard assignment for next time will be made in class today.
Great Plague of London - 1664-1666
Samuel Pepys's & John Evelyn's diary accounts of the Great Fire of London
Philosophical materialism
Fideism, Encyclopedia Britannica
Skepticism,Encyclopedia Britannica
Nominalism, Encyclopedia Britannica
Nominalism of Hobbes, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Thursday, 10/20
Satyr Against Reason and Mankind*
Rochester, The Imperfect Enjoyment*
Review for midterm
SQ The Imperfect Enjoyment
On Rochester (from the Poetry Foundation)
Aphra Behn (1640-1689), “The Disappointment”
Sir George Etheredge (1635 (?)-1692), "The Imperfect ENjoyment" |
Tuesday, 10/25 |
|| Midterm Exam 11:00-12:00 ||
Bring bluebooks: Put your name on the back of your bluebook.
No books, computers, phones, or notes in the exam. |
Thursday, 10/27
John Bunyan, as dreamer
John Bunyan (1628-1688), The
The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678) to page 55.
(You can skim "The Author's Apology for his Book; we'll cover it later.)
Also read the corresponding notes: 293-8.)
Look up definition of typology. Please bring handout on typology to class.
Printer -friendly lecture outline sent by e-mail. |
Clarendon Code
SQ The Pilgrim's Progress
The story of Hagar & Ishmael
The story in Genesis
Galatians (typology)
If you want to participate in peer conferences, sign up for the time that fits your schedule. The sign-up sheet will be posted on my office door today. |
Tuesday, 11/1
Jurymen in The Pilgrim's Progress
The Pilgrim’s Progressto page 109 (with corresponding notes) & Iintroduction (xiii-xxxviii).
Close discussion of episodes |
More SQ on The Pilgrim's Progress (from students)

Thursday, 11/3

Apollyon & Christian by Blake
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Practice in close reading.
Midterms returned. |
Tuesday, 11/8
Christian at the cross, Blake
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Last day to sign up to participate in peer reading.
Pilgrim's Progress video game trailer, Youtube |
Thursday, 11/10
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn (1640-1689)
"Epitaph on the Tombstone of a Child, the Last of Seven that Died Before"*
"Love Armed"*
"On Her Loving Two Equally"*
*On Desire"*
On the Death of the late Earl of Rochester
Ode, Encyclopedia Britannica
Paper drafts due. 
If you are participating in peer conferences, bring 2 copies, one for AJVS, one for your peer reader.
If you are not participating in peer conferences, bring one copy for AJVS. |
SQ Aphra Behn's poetry (by students)
Please write study questions,
and I'll post them here.
A pindarick on the death of our late sovereign with an ancient prophecy on his present Majesty / written by A. Behn (1685) EEBO (access depends on VPN or being on campus)
Aphra Behn bio
Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn, the Poetry Foundation
Tuesday, 11/15
James Scott, Duke of Monmouth
John Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel
Heroic couplet handout (Please print for class.)
NB: Please see notes at end of "Absalom & Achitophel."
Outline of "Absalom & Achitophel"
Popish plot images
Popish Plot playing cards
Lecture slides |
SQ Absalom and Achitophel
E-text for Absalom and Achitophel
Online text copyright © 2005, Ian Lancashire for the Department of English, University of Toronto.
Jews in England: expulsion (1290) to readmission (1656) |
Thursday, 11/17

1st Earl of Shaftesbury, Achitophel
Absalom and Achitophel
The story of Absalom from Jewish Encyclopedia
Amnon, Tamar, & Absalom (II Kings 13)
Absalom's death, David's mourning (II Kings 18)
Return peer reading sheets (and papers). |
More SQ Absalom and Achitophel by students?
The Glorious Revolution
Tuesday, 11/22

Mary of Modena
Papers due 11/22 by noon at my office or 11/23 by noon in the English Dept. Office, 435 HIB
if you are not participating in peer conference.
Don't forget to turn in COMMENTARYas well as paper.
Voluntary Peer Conferences on paper drafts for those who are participating
No regular class
Peer Conference Schedule

James II
Thursday, 11/23 |
No class today: Thanksgiving |
Tuesday, 11/29

Astell's A Serious Proposal to the Ladies
Mary Astell (1666-1731)
A Serious Proposal to the Ladies Part I.
SQ A Serious Proposal to the Ladies |
Thursday, 12/1 (last day) |
A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, Part II, Ch. I - III (you can omit IV).
Papers due in class if you participated in peer conferences. Please turn in draft with AJVS comments, peer conference sheet received, peer conference sheet given to another student, revision, and COMMENTARY.
Tues, Dec 6 10:30 - 12:30 p.m. |
UCI Final exam schedule
Restoration Literature, Encyclopedia |