Midterm ExamPage
Midterm: Tuesday, October 25
Form of the midterm exam
•The exam is divided into 2 parts.
• You should spend half of your time on each part.
• Be as specific as you can.
• Use a bluebook.
• Put your name on the back of your bluebook.
•Do not use books, computers, phones, notes, or any other study aids during the exam.
Part I. Choose 5 of the following 6 terms and explain the significance of each; in the course of your response, you should refer to a work or works read for the course.
Heroic couplets
Part II. There will be two quotations. Choose one and follow the directions below.
(a) Identify the source of the quotation. (b) Then paraphrase it. (c) Then analyze it. Use your analysis to make a claim about the [poem] [play].
For his long absence Church and State did groan;
Madness the Pulpit, Faction seiz'd the Throne:
Experienc'd Age in deep despair was lost
To see the Rebel thrive, the Loyal crost:
Youth that with joys had unacquainted been
Envy'd gray hairs that once good days had seen:
We thought our Sires, not with their own content,
Had ere we came to age our Portion spent.
Nor could our Nobles hope their bold Attempt
Who ruin'd Crowns would Coronets exempt:
For when by their designing Leaders taught
To strike at Pow'r which for themselves they sought,
The Vulgar gull'd into Rebellion, arm'd,
Their blood to action by the Prize was warm'd.
The Sacred Purple then and Scarlet Gown
Like sanguine Dye to Elephants was shown.
Mean: B-
Median: B
Mode: C+
Maximum: A
Minimum: D
# scores: 44![]()