

Recent courses:
| Women & Satire: From Juvenal to the Vagina Monologues | Spring 2014
E210 | Casuistry, Conduct & Clarissa | Fall 2013
E102B | The Problem of hte New | Spring 2013
E102B | Thinking about Self | Winter 2013
E102B | Restoration
and Revolution: 1660-1700 | Fall 2011
E210 | Women, Prescriptive Authority, & Equity | Fall 2011
E102B | Dilemmas, political, religious, spiritual, moral: 1649-1725 | Spring 2009
E210 | Divided Interests: dismembering and re-membering the body politic in the culture of the Restoration | Winter 2009
Humanities CORE: Thinking,
Making, & Doing | Fall 2007, 2008, 2009
Research in eighteenth-century
studies has been made remarkably more democratic by the availability
of texts from EEBO
and of articles from JSTOR,
& 18th-c.
Journals, etc. These sites are complemented by such sites
as the
NYPL Digital Gallery and the OED.
This "democratic turn" is widely enabling, and to
a certain degree it levels the field of inquiry for faculty,
graduate students and undergraduates. Libraries are still wonderful.
Reading Sarah Scott's letters at the Huntington or Mary Astell's
The Christian Religion, as Profess'd by a Daughter of the
Church of England at the Clark is still a remarkable experience,
but the wide availablility of Jeremy Taylor's Ductor Dubitantium,
for example, or an anti-Bunyan pamphlet, Dirt Wip'd Off,
brings the evidence of the past into view in a way that de-mystifies
research. |
Gardening in southern
California begins with a design but is sometimes said to depend
mostly on judicious pruning. But that's not really all. Some
plants die, despite all care. Idria
columnaris, for example (aka "boojum tree")
won't tolerate water in the winter, which is the only time
it rains in southern California. It grows extremely slowly
and it survives here if it's situated so that the water can
run off. We watched two die after a couple of years (though
they are successfully grown at UCI's Arboritum and at the
Huntington). But when you lose even rare or very slow-growing
plants, unless you simply neglected them, there's no debt
or blame.
In this website, all the colors come
from the garden.
When the family
page gets developed, it will require a password, simply because
the web has no restrictions on how material can be used. |
Van Sant | University of California, Irvine | ajvansan@uci.edu
| ©2008 |