longissima--getting ready to bloom.
"Upland" on Tustin in Orange is a wonderful nursery. It's narrow and a mile long, though part of the area is not open to customers. It's a growing as well as a showing nursery.
My backyard always feels like a "real" place--like the ocean.
Euphorbia ingens
I'm always forgetting the name of hibiscus.
Uncarina decaryii
I had this plant for 5 years before it bloomed.
Not everything blooms at once.
The pendulous cymbidium and uncarina decaryii came in March/April, the azalias and camilias in December, January.
Dasylirion longissima
Cymbidium - planted in the ground in the back yard, against all advice
"Rogers" is also a good nursery, a little expensive but reliable--and very good for roses. It's a good place to get ideas, and it has educational events; but it's a showing rather than a growing nursery.
"Laguna Hills Nursery" is great for trees, roses, succulents, and information.
"Armstrong's" is also quite good. I like the one on PCH.
"Cactus King," in Encinitas, used to be wonderful. The people who worked there knew everything It's just a little south of where you turn east to go to the Wild Animal Park. But something has happened, to the plants and the people.