English 102B || Thinking about the Self || Winter 2013 || TuTh 11:00-12:20p||
What is the self? A simple yet very difficult question. The “self” can be defined as “a permanent subject of successive and varying states of consciousness.” On the other hand, we speak of “a former self” or say "I feel like my old self,” as if the self varies from one time to another. In this course we will read 3 fictions that centralize the representation of a self—John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, 1678 (a spiritual allegory), Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, 1719 (a fictional travel account), and Samuel Richardson’s Pamela, 1741, (a novel written in letters). We will also study some philosophical treatments of the self by Augustine, Rene Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, and David Hume (selections from the web).
Students will write a very short paper and a longer paper and take a final. Students will also write informally to discover their own thinking. And students should expect to write drafs of the papers due.
Course Information || Short Paper Page || Longer Paper Page || Final Page || Mail Archive || Message Board
What's new? New Due Date: Drafts of Longer Paper: Thursday, 3/7
If you want to ADD or DROP the course, please see me after class. You can also email me for a drop code.
In class today
What is listed in this column is the material assigned for this day.
Everything about the course is set up to provide context for your thinking. In fact, the course itself only works if it both invites and requires your thinking.
Supporting Materials
Please always check out the study questions.
Week #1
Tuesday, 1/8
Introduction to course:AJVS
Rene Descartes
Thomas Hobbes
David Hume
Thinking about the self: see SQ Introduction
--Augustine, Confessions, (397 CE)
--Descartes, Meditations (1641)
See also Montaigne, Essays: "Of Repentance"
Thursday, 1/10
The SELF that emerges in spiritual autobiography: John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1678). Read to page 42.

Allegory: OED definition
Typology |
*Pilgrim's Progress, SQ
Declaration of Breda
Explanation of the Declaration of Breda
Clarendon Code
Earlier restrictions on religious expression: "Directions Concerning Preachers" (1622)
--Galatians 4:21-31
"Religious dissent in England"
Just in case you want to check it out, here is a link a JSTOR article from 1912 about about non-conformity under the Clarendon Code.
Week #2
Tuesday, 1/15
Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress. Read pp. 42-106.
Look up further definitions of typology and see handout (please print).
If your last name begins with A, B, or C, please make an entry on the Bunyan forum of the messageboard. If your last name begins with E, F, or G, please respond to a Bunyan entry on the messageboard. |
--The story of Hagar & Ishmael
--The story of H & I in Genesis
Thursday, 1/ 17
Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress
Finish (!) reading The Pilgrim's Progress.
More on typology
TPP video game Youtube. |
Week #3
Tuesday, 1/22
Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress
Continue closely examining the text and thinking about the study questions. |
Thursday, 1/24
Augustine, Confessions (several online editions follow)
Internet History Sourcebook
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Assignment: Book II, Book VIII, Book X, Book XI
If your last name begins with H, J, K, or L, please write an entry on the Augustine messageboard.
Augustine, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
SQ Augustine
Roman History Timeline
Decline of the Roman Empire
Edict of Milan |
Week #4
Tuesday, 1/29 |
Augustine, Confessions
Rene Descartes, Meditations (1641)
Assignment: Meditations 1 & 2
SQ Rene Descartes
Thursday, 1/31
Augustine, Confessions
Rene Descartes, Meditations (1641)
Assignment: Meditations 1 & 2
Week #5
Tuesday, 2/5 |
Rene Descartes, Meditations
Augustine and Descartes |
Thursday, 2/7 |
Paper #1 DUE
Please turn in early draft as well as final draft.
Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (1719)
To p. 105, "The Journal"
SQ: Robinson Crusoe |

Defoe in the stocks
NYPL digital archive images of Defoe and his work
Week #6
Tuesday, 2/12
Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (1719)
To p. 205
If your last name begins with M, O, or P, please respond to SQ #1, #2, or #3 on the messageboard. |
Thursday, 2/14
Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1751)
This text is from the Online Library of Liberty.
Another text of Leviathan, from Adelaide
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1751) selections
Part I. Ch. I, II (¶ 1, & 2), VI, VIII (¶ 10), XI, XIII, XIV (¶ 1-10, 18, 19, 26, 28, 29, 30, & 31), XV (¶ 1, 2), & XVI.
Part II. Ch XVII, XVIII, Ch. XX (¶ 1-8, 15)
Leviathan title page explained (Norton) |

Week #7
Tuesday, 2/19
Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Please read the sections in our edition of Robinson Crusoe on the slave trade and on cannibalism. |
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Robinson Crusoe's Brazilian Expedition and The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database |
Thursday, 2/21
Finish Robinson Crusoe
Lecture on David Hume (no extra reading) |
David Hume from Britannica
3-minute Philosophy: David Hume - Youtube
Hume's Treatise (Adelaide)
John Locke-outline and some text |
Week #8
Tuesday, 2/26
Samuel Richardson, Pamela (1740)
If your last name begins with R, S, V, or Y, please write an entry, in response to one of the study questions, on the message board. |
SQ Pamela
Short selection from Richardson's Letters Written to and For Particular Friends on the most Important Occasions. Directing not only the Requisite Style and Forms to be Observed in Writing Familiar Letters; But how to Think and Act Justly and Prudently, in the Common Concerns of Human Life: Pamela's conduct book origins
Ballad of Pamela, Youtube |
Thursday, 2/28
Richardson, Pamela
If you have not written on the message board yet, please contribute further study questions on Pamela.
Case of conscience |
Week #9
Tuesday, 3/5
Richardson, Pamela
Everyone: Please contribute--either this week or next--at least one more post re: Robinson Crusoe or Pamela on the message board. |
Text of Pamela (Adelaide)
Thursday, 3/7
Richardson, Pamela
Drafts for longer paper DUE
Week #10
Tuesday, 3/12 |
Richardson, Pamela |
Thursday, 3/14
Longer Paper DUE
Review for final
Final exam schedule
Our FINAL EXAM: Tues, Mar 19 10:30 - 12:30 p.m. In our regular classroom. |