Department of History
University of California, Irvine
Instructor: Dr. Barbara J. Becker
![]() Week 2. Vitality excerpt from
Nowe have I saide & spoken of many on this side of the great kingdom of Chatay [Cathay] of Whom many ar obeysaunt to the greate chane [Khan].
Nowe shall I say of som londes & countres & Iles that ar beyonde the londe of Chatay, who so goth fro chatay to ynde [India] the hyghe & the lowe he shal go thorough a kingdom that men call caldilhe [Kuldja? (a town and its region on the Silk Road; modern day city, Yining, located in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region near the Kazakhstan border)] that is a great londe, there groweth a maner of frute as it were goordes, and whan it is rype men shere asonder and they fynde therin a best [beast] as it were of flesshe of bone and blode as it were a lytel lambe withoute wolle [wool] and men ete the best and the frute also & that is a great marueyle [marvel].
The Barnacle Goose (Bernace) depicted in a medieval bestiary (c. 1230-1240), British Library, Harley MS 4751, Folio 36r.
Neuerthelesse I sayde them that I helde that for no marueyle. For I sayde in my countre ar trees that bere frute that becom birdes fleynge & they ar gode to ete and they that falleth in water lyueth and they that fallethe on the erth dyethe & they had greate maruayle of this.
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