Week 6: Intro to Kyôgen + Yôkai
(Kaminari, the Kyogen Deity of Thunder)
"This is Kyogen"
includes exerpts from Thunderbolt and Owls)
Kusabira (Mushrooms)
Shigeyama Kusabira (Mushrooms)
Nomura Mansai performing the dance section from Semi (The Cicada) (acting out the cicada's torments in hell)
Kubi-Hiki (Neck-Pulling)
Kyogen Images
Introductiom to Noh and Kyogen (Japan Arts Council)
Images of Kusabira (Mushrooms)
more images of Kusabira(Shigeyama family)
Images of Kaminari (Thunderbolt)
more images of Kaminari (Shigeyama family)
another image of Asahina
image of Kagyu(The Snail)
image of Yao