Week 6: Intro to Kyogen
Week 6a-b: Kyôgen: Parodic Ghosts, Bumbling Gods, and Ineffectual Priests Readings:
[OL] Asahina b) [Trad J Thtr] Thunderbolt (Kaminari) (61-67) c) [Trad J Thtr] The Cicada (Semi) )(284-94) d) [Trad J Thtr] Mushrooms (Kusabira) (245-254) e) [OL] Owls (Fukuro Yamabushi) f) Review: Aoi no Ue for comparison with Mushrooms; Yashima for comparison with The Cicada Videos: "This is Kyogen"( includes exerpts from Thunderbolt and Owls) May 10: Kyogen Continued (plus intro to Yokai) a) [OL] Neck-pulling (Kubihiki) b. [OL] Yao Videos: Mushrooms, Asahina, Neck-pulling, Owls Week 6a-b Reading Questions: We'll be watching "This is Kyogen" in Tuesday's class, which includes excerpts from a number of different Kyogen plays including Thunderbolt and Owls. On Thursday we'll be watching Mushrooms, Asahina, Neck-Pulling.
For each of the plays consider the following questions: 1) What category of Noh does it appear to parody? How does it make that category funny? Think about costumes, masks, plot structure, props, allusions, and alterations of Noh material, etc.
2) What is the attitude toward religion, ghosts and the afterlife conveyed in each of these plays? How does it satirize the medieval attitude towards deities and ghosts that we've seen exemplified in the Hell and Hungry Ghost scrolls? How does it subvert that attitude? Reinforce it?
![]() 1) What category of Noh play does this Kyôgen appear to be satirizing?
2) Compare this version of a Thunder God with Sugawara no Michizane. What is similar? What is different? 3) Does the play have any possible function as a religious ritual? ![]() 1) What is the role of the yamabushi priest compared to his role in Noh? How does the play make fun of the yamabushi?
2) In Mushrooms, look for allusions to Aoi no Ue. How does Mushrooms parody that play?
1) What kind of demons are the these? (see outline week 3b) How are demons made fun of in this play? 2) How does the man outwit them? |