Weeks 3b-5b: Hell, Hungry Ghosts, and Female and Male Ghosts in Noh
Hungry Ghosts and Hell Scrolls
Images of Raiden (scroll down to the Noh Play)
Images of Yashima
"Photo Story" of Yashima
Buddhism, Hell scrolls, etc.
A-Z Photo Dictionary of Japanese Sculpture and Art: a site that began with Buddhist statuary, but now includes all aspects of Japanese religion and the supernatural. Fairly reliable.
On-Line Dictionary of Japanese Art and Architecture: type a Japanese term into the search engine, and you'll get at least one definition. Quite reliable.
Kyoto National Museum Scroll of the Hungry Ghosts: The Gaki-zoshi; you can zoom in on images from class.
Noh and Kyogen Theater
British Museum Scroll of the Hundred Demon Night Parade: The Hyakki Yagyo scroll; again you can click and enlarge on any image of the hundred "demons," which actually include oni, tengu, kappa (water goblins), bakeneko (monster cats), and lots of tsukumogami (ordinary household objects that have come alive)
The-Noh.Com : includes original Japanese and English translations (more added every month). Translations are not very literary and have no footnotes, but servicable, and the list includes translations available nowhere else. Slide shows of photographs for selected plays. Interviews and stories about performers. And a Japanese monthly guide to live performances in Japan and on Japanese TV.
An Introduction to Noh and Kyogen (includes basic history, intro to stage, masks, costumes, props, types of plays etc.)
Noh Plays (includes original Japanese and English translations of 13 Noh plays, plus list of technical terms by Royall Tyller and glossary of Noh terms by Karen Brazell)