Weeks 4b, 5, and 6a: Noh and Kyogen Theater

Reading Questions Week 4b-5a

Discussion Questions Week 5a

Reading Questions Week 5b-6a

Discussion Questions Week 6

Images from Japanese Buddhism

Noh Masks

Costumes and props

Adachigahara (Kurozuka) images; photo story

Aoi no Ue images; photo story

Nonomiya images; photo story

Yashima images; synopsis and photo story

movie clip: Yashima 1, 2

Izutsu images; synopsis and photo story

movie clip: Izutsu 1, 2 (general summary), 3 (kata)


Kyogen Masks and Costumes

The Bearded Fortress (Higeyagura)



The Sickley Stomach (Kamabara)



Premodern Japanese Resource Page (detailed description of Muromachi Period, with links to other websites)

Samurai Culture

The-Noh.Com(General introduction to Noh, including English translations of Noh plays, updated monthly. The translations have no footnotes or introductions, and are a bit rough, but include plays not translated previously.)

Introduction to Noh and Kyogen (Introduction to Noh and Kyogen, including masks, costumes, props, etc.)

Atsumori Learning Site(a test site for the Global Performing Arts Database that includes the background story of Atsumori and an interactive text)

Costuming a Warrior for a Japanese Noh Play (test site for the Global Perforing Arts Database that takes the viewer through the process of costuming the shite actor in Atsumori)

Glossary of Noh Theater terms (another test site for the Global Perforing Arts Database: incomplete but includes a number of images of costumes, and detailed descriptions of both masks and costumes, as well as the major technical terms used in Noh and Kyogen)

Japanese Text Initiative (Japanese text and English translations of thirteen Noh plays; includes two glossaries of technical terms in Noh)

List of Noh Play Translations ( English translations in various books and articles.)