Online Lecture 5: Comparison of Noh and Shamanism
A. Basic Plot Structure
1. Demon plays: basic plot as overt shamanic exorcism
a. appears to priest/shaman in vision or in human disguise
b. returns in true form (in real time) and battles with priest(s)
c. priest(s) convert or at least defeat demon
d. simple theatricalizations of shamanic exorcisms
1) eg. Aoi no Ue (early); Adachigahara (late); Dojoji (late)
2. Warrior and Woman Plays: basic plot as concealed shamanic rituals
a. ghost appears to priest as ordinary human being, usually to Buddhist priest
1) why do ghosts appear?
b. reveals true identity and promises to return in true form in return for prayers
c. returns in true form (in dream vision) and re-enacts traumatic events from life
d. most often receives enlightenment and release from being a ghost
1) what is the cure?
e. eg. Nonomiya, Yashima
3. God Plays: basic plot as concealed shamanic ritual
a. deity appears as ordinary human being, usually to Shinto priest
b. reveals its true identity as a deity and promises to return
c. returns in true form (in a dream vision) and dances in celebration of peace, fertility, longevity etc. in the realm
d. relation to shamanism:
B. Religious Elements as content
C. Visual and Musical Elements
1. Masks:
2. Dances:
3. Music (Catalpa Bow, p. 31)
b. kakegoe (calls by the drummers)
4. Props: torimono (the use of a long, thin object held in the hands to pull the spirit into the shaman)
5. Stage:
a. Pine tree (a yorishiro, dwelling place for the kami) Catalpa Bow, pp 38-39, 107
b. Bridge (hashigakari)
D. Other points