Fudô Myôô (The Unmovable One)
The form that Dainichi Nyôrai, the universal Buddha, takes to vanquish evil spirits. Sits in the center of four other Guardian Kings (Myôô) associated with the four directions. Fudô uses his noose to pull in sinners and his sword to chastise them. In the Noh playDôjôji the priests call upon him to help them vanquish a serpent woman who is attacking the temple bell:
You in the Center, Messenger of the Sun, All-Holy Immovable
Will you make the bell move?
Show us the power of your avenging noose!
Namaku samanda basarada
senda makaroshana sowataya
un tarata kamman
"I dedicate myself to the universal diamond,
may this fury be destroyed!
He who harkens to My Law shall gain enlightenment
he who knows My Heart will be a Buddha in the flesh."
trans., Donald Keene, Dôjôji, in Brazell, Traditional Japanese Theater, pp. 203-204