![]() Eclecticism, Opportunism, and the Evolution
by Barbara J. Becker A Dissertation submitted to The Johns Hopkins University
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![]() ![]() ![]() PUBLISHED PAPERS OF WILLIAM HUGGINS ![]() ![]() ![]() 1856
"Note accompanying Drawings of Jupiter, Mars, &c.," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 17: 23. "Occultation of Spica Virginis. 1857, May 6," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 17: 203; 246. 1862
"On some Phenomena attending the Disappearance of Saturn's Ring, May 19th, 1862," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 22: 295-6. 1863
"Note on the Lines in the Spectra of some of the Fixed Stars," [with William Allen Miller] Proceedings of the Royal Society 12: 444-5. "On the Spectra of some of the Fixed Stars," [with William Allen Miller] Proceedings of the Royal Society 13: 242-4. 1864
"On the Spectra of some of the Fixed Stars," [with William Allen Miller] Philosophical Transactions 154: 413-35 "On the Spectra of some of the Nebulae," [communicated by William Allen Miller] Philosophical Transactions 154: 437-44. 1865
"In the Observatory of Mr. Huggins...," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 25: 107-9. "Response to letter of Father Secchi," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 25: 154-5. "On the Spectrum of the Great Nebula in the Sword-handle of Orion," [communicated by William Allen Miller] Proceedings of the Royal Society 14: 38-42. "On the Physical and Chemical Constitution of the Fixed Stars and Nebulae," Proceedings of the Royal Institution 4: 441-49. "Note on the Prismatic Examination of Microscopic Objects," Transactions of the Microscopical Society 13 New Series (1865): 85-7. 1866
"Mr. Huggins's Observatory," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 26: 144-5. "Note on the Spectrum of the Variable Star a Orionis, with some Remarks on the Letter of the Rev. Father Secchi," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 26: 215-7. "Results of some Observations on the Bright Granules of the Solar Surface, with Remarks on the Nature of these Bodies," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 26: 260-5. "On a New Star," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 26: 275-7. "On the Spectrum of Comet 1, 1866," Proceedings of the Royal Society 15: 5-7. "Further Observations on the Spectra of some of the Nebulae, with a Mode of determining the Brightness of these Bodies," Proceedings of the Royal Society 15: 17-9. "On the Spectrum of a New Star in Corona Borealis," [with William Allen Miller] Proceedings of the Royal Society 15: 146-9. "Further Observations on the Spectra of some of the Nebulae, with a Mode of determining the Brightness of these Bodies," Philosophical Transactions 156: 381-97. "On a Temporary Outburst of Light in a Star in Corona Borealis," Quarterly Journal of Science 3: 376-82. On the Results of Spectrum Analysis Applied to the Heavenly Bodies: A Discourse Delivered at Nottingham, before the British Association, August 24, 1866 (W. Ladd: London). 1867
"On the Spectrum of Mars, with some Remarks on the Colour of that Planet," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 27: 178-81. "Note on the Spectrum of Comet II. 1867," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 27: 288. "Note on the Lunar Crater Linné," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 27: 296-8. 1868
"On a possible Method of viewing the Red Flames without an Eclipse," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 29: 4-5. "Description of a Hand Spectrum-Telescope," Proceedings of the Royal Society 16: 241-3. "Further Observations on the Spectra of the Sun, and of some of the Stars and Nebulae, with an attempt to determine therefrom whether these Bodies are moving towards or from the Earth," Proceedings of the Royal Society 16: 382-6. "On the Spectrum of Brorsen's Comet, 1868," Proceedings of the Royal Society 16: 386-9. "On the Spectrum of Comet II., 1868," Proceedings of the Royal Society 16: 481-2. "Further Observations on the Spectra of some of the Stars and Nebulae, with an Attempt to determine therefrom whether these Bodies are moving towards or from the Earth, also Observations on the Spectra of the Sun and of Comet II., 1868, Philosophical Transactions 158: 529-64. 1869
"Mr. Huggins' Observatory," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 29: 142-3. "Motion of Sirius in the Line of Sight," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 29: 164. "Note on a Method of viewing the Solar Prominences without an Eclipse," Proceedings of the Royal Society 17: 302-3. "Note on the Heat of the Stars," Proceedings of the Royal Society 17: 309-12. "On some further Results of Spectrum Analysis as applied to the Heavenly Bodies," Proceedings of the Royal Institution 5: 475-9. "On some Spectrum Observations of Comets," Philosophical Magazine 4th Ser. 37: 456-60. "Note on Mr. De La Rue's paper 'On some attempts to render the luminous prominences visible without the use of the Spectroscope'," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 30: 36-7. 1870
"Note on the Spectra of Erbia and some other Earths," Proceedings of the Royal Society 18: 546-53. 1871
"On a Registering Spectroscope," Proceedings of the Royal Society 19: 317-8. "Note on the Spectrum of Uranus and the Spectrum of Comet I, 1871," Proceedings of the Royal Society 19: 488-91. "Note on the Spectrum of Encke's Comet," Proceedings of the Royal Society 20: 45-7. "Note on the Telescopic Appearance of Encke's Comet," Proceedings of the Royal Society 20: 87-9. 1872
"Dr. Huggins's Spectroscopic Observations of Stars and Nebulae," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 32: 359-62. "On the Spectrum of the Great Nebula in Orion, and on the Motions of some Stars towards or from the Earth," Proceedings of the Royal Society 20: 379-94. 1873
"Note on the Wide-slit Method of viewing the Solar Prominences," Proceedings of the Royal Society 21: 127-8. "Note on the Proper Motions of Nebulae," Report of the British Association (Bradford): 34-5. 1874
"Mr. Huggins' Observatory, Upper Tulse Hill," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 34: 170. "On the Motions of some of the Nebulae towards or from the Earth," Proceedings of the Royal Society 22: 251-4. 1875
"On the Spectrum of Coggia's Comet," Proceedings of the Royal Society 23: 154-9. 1876
"Reply to Father Secchi's Letter on the Displacement of the Stellar Lines," Philosophical Magazine 5th Ser. 2: 72-4. 1877
"On the Inferences to be drawn from the Appearance of Bright Lines in the Spectra of Irresolvable Nebulae," Proceedings of the Royal Society 26: 179-81. 1878
"Mr. Huggins' Observatory" Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 38: 183-4. "Address Delivered by the President, Mr. Huggins, on Presenting the Gold Medal of the Society to Baron Dembowski," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 38: 249-53. 1879
"On the Photographic Spectra of Stars," Proceedings of the Royal Society 30: 20-1. 1880
"On the Spectrum of the Flame of Hydrogen," Proceedings of the Royal Society 30: 576-81. "On the Photographic Spectra of the Stars," Philosophical Transactions 171: 669-90. 1881
"Mr. Huggins' Observatory, Upper Tulse Hill," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 41: 208-9. "Preliminary Note on the Photographic Spectrum of Comet b 1881," Proceedings of the Royal Society 33: 1-3. 1882
"Note on the Photographic Spectrum of the Great Nebula in Orion," Proceedings of the Royal Society 33: 425-8. "On the Photographic Spectrum of Comet (Wells) I, 1882," Proceedings of the Royal Society 34: 148-50. "On a Method of Photographing the Solar Corona without an Eclipse," Proceedings of the Royal Society 34: 409-14. "On Comets," Proceedings of the Royal Institution 10: 1-11. 1883
"Dr. Huggins' Method of Photographing the Solar Corona without an Eclipse," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 43: 231-2. "On some Results of Photographing the Solar Corona without an Eclipse," Report of the British Association (Southport): 346-51. 1884
"Dr. Huggins' Method of Photographing the Solar Corona without an Eclipse," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 44: 203. 1885
"On the Solar Corona," Proceedings of the Royal Institution 11: 202-14. "On the Spectrum of the Stella Nova visible in the Great Nebula in Andromeda," Report of the British Association (Aberdeen): 935. "The Sun's Corona," The Nineteenth Century 17: 676-89. 1888
"The Photographic Spectrum of the Nebula of Orion," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 49: 403-4. "The Spectrum of Uranus; The Spectrum of Saturn," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 49: 404-5. "On the Wave-length of the Principal Line in the Spectrum of the Aurora," Proceedings of the Royal Society 45: 430-6. "On the Spectrum, Visible and Photographic, of the Great Nebula in Orion," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 46: 40-60. "On the Limit of Solar and Stellar Light in the Ultra-violet Part of the Spectrum," Proceedings of the Royal Society 46: 133-5. "Note on the Photographic Spectra of Uranus and Saturn," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 46: 231-3. 1890
"On a Re-determination of the Principal Line in the Spectrum of the Nebula in Orion, and on the character of the Line," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 48: 202-13. "Note on the Photographic Spectrum of the Great Nebula in Orion," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 48: 213-6. "On a New Group of Lines in the Photographic Spectrum of Sirius," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 48: 216-7. "On Wolf and Rayet's Bright-Line Stars in Cygnus," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 49: 33-46. 1891
"Address of the President," Report of the British Association (Cardiff): 3-37. 1892
"On Nova Aurigae," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 51: 486-95. "The New Star in Auriga," Proceedings of the Royal Institution 13: 615-24. 1893
"The Tulse Hill Spectroscope," Astronomy and Astrophysics 12: 615-9. 1895
"The Tulse Hill Ultra-Violet Spectroscope," Astrophysical Journal 1: 359-65. 1897
"On an Automatic Arrangement for Giving Breadth to Stellar Spectra on a Photographic Plate," Astrophysical Journal 5: 8-10. "On the Mode of Printing Maps of Spectra and Tables of Wave-Lengths," Astrophysical Journal 6: 55-6. "The New Astronomy: A Personal Retrospect," The Nineteenth Century 41: 907-29. 1899
"Further Observations on the Spectrum of the Spontaneous Luminous Radiation of Radium at Ordinary Temperatures," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 72: 409-13. 1904
"Address delivered by the President, Sir William Huggins," Proceedings of the Royal Society 77: 100-21. "On the Spectrum of the Spontaneous Luminous Radiation of Radium. Part IV --Extension of the Glow," [with Margaret Huggins] Proceedings of the Royal Society 77: 130-1. 1906
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William Huggins' Early Astronomical Career |
Unlocking the "Unknown Mystery of the True Nature of the Heavenly Bodies" |
The Astronomical Agenda: 1830-1870 |
"A sudden impulse..." |
Reception of Spectrum Analysis Applied to the Stars |
Moving in the Inner Circle |
Cultivating Advantageous Alliances; Opportunism and Eclecticism |
Opportunism and Eclecticism (continued) |
Achieving "A mark of approval and confidence" |
Margaret Huggins: The myth of the "Able Assistant" |
The Solitary Observer |
Celestial Photography |
Diversity and Controversy: Defining the Boundaries of Acceptable Research |
Solar Observations at Tulse Hill |
The Red Flames |
The Eclipse Expedition to Oran |
Photographing the Corona Without an Eclipse |
The Bakerian Lecture |
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