![]() Eclecticism, Opportunism, and the Evolution
by Barbara J. Becker A Dissertation submitted to The Johns Hopkins University
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![]() |
William Huggins' Early Astronomical Career |
Unlocking the "Unknown Mystery of the True Nature of the Heavenly Bodies" |
The Astronomical Agenda: 1830-1870 |
"A sudden impulse..." |
Reception of Spectrum Analysis Applied to the Stars |
Moving in the Inner Circle |
Cultivating Advantageous Alliances; Opportunism and Eclecticism |
Opportunism and Eclecticism (continued) |
Achieving "A mark of approval and confidence" |
Margaret Huggins: The myth of the "Able Assistant" |
The Solitary Observer |
Celestial Photography |
Diversity and Controversy: Defining the Boundaries of Acceptable Research |
Solar Observations at Tulse Hill |
The Red Flames |
The Eclipse Expedition to Oran |
Photographing the Corona Without an Eclipse |
The Bakerian Lecture |
![]() |