This is a demon from another kyogen play, Setsubun (A Demon in Love), in which a demon falls in love with a woman and sings all sorts of songs praising her beauty etc. to get her to sleep with him. At first she is frightened of him, but eventually she realizes that he is not much different from ordinary men. She tricks him out of his magic cap and cloak, and then chases him out of her house by throwing beans at him while chanting "In with the good, out with the bad," the traditional chant of the spring "house cleaning" holiday of Setsubun.
Note how similarly the demon here and the Thunder God of Kaminari are represented. The demon wears the same Buaku mask, bright red wig, and brightly decorated cloak and pants. The differences are 1) the demon wears a kind of cap decorated with feathers (relating him to Tengu mountain demons who are half-bird); 2) he carries a "demon" mallet rather than a drum; and 3) the pattern on his cloak includes the demonic triangle "serpent scale" pattern. In both plays, a supernatural figure which is at first an object of dread is transformed into an object of fun, and a provider of magical benefits.