Study Questions and Images:

You should come to class having read the assigned material and thought about the study questions, linked on right side of syllabus. (Note: study and discussion questions are used to create paper topics, so they are worth doing well.)

There are images to be viewed on the website for many weeks. Please come to class having viewed the images and read through the material linked to that class.

Class Outlines:

You should come to each class having printed out the class outline (click on that day, for example, “Week 1a OUTLINE”). You can also use your laptop to fill out the outline. Some outlines will be used for more than one class. Bringing the reading is a good idea as well.

CLASS WORK(syllabus):

Discussion Questions:

Most weeks at least part of one class will be devoted to class discussion (this quarter mostly Tuesdays). Prior to that class you will either have answered Discussion Questions or will have participated in a Discussion Forum on the topic.

For classes where Discussion Questions are assigned:

1) Bring the assigned reading to class.

2) Answer the "discussion" questions assigned for that week. The discussion questions can be found on the syllabus right below the outline for that day.

Your answers should be TYPED and brought to class. Handwritten answers will not be accepted unless explained in advance.

The answers do not need to be written out in complete sentences but are notes for your use in class discussion. But I do want concrete examples and page numbers to support your points.

For example if the question asks you to list desirable qualities in a Heian period woman, a list is fine. But you should provide examples to support your points with page numbers, or page numbers with at least a brief identifying tag. And make sure you explain why you've chosen those examples! For example:

Question: How a woman should respond to her husband's affair?
Calm forebearance is best (Genji p. 26, Diary p. 135); a bit of jealouy in a woman is seen as attractive (Genji p. WW), but a lot of jealousy is seen as very bad (Genji pp. XX and YY, Gossamer Years p. ZZ, QQ).


Discussion Forum questions will be graded similarly. To get full credit for participation, you must post at least once presenting your own ideas, plus comment on at least one other person's ideas. And although quality is valued above quantity, at the end of the course, my guess is that the person who wrote 1000 words is going to do better in the grading than the person who wrote 100 words.

Late submissions: since they are meant to facilitate discussion, and you have an unfair advantage if you answer after hearing class discussion, if you turn in Discussion or Forum Questions late, you lose 1 point per day.

If you have trouble with printing, or will not be attending class, you can upload your discussion questions before class to the "Discussion Questions" dropbox (it will note the time/date so you can get full credit).

If you submit after class, please upload to the "Late Assignments" dropbox (you lose 1 grade per day) and send an email notifying me that you have uploaded the questions (DO NOT SEND ME THE QUESTIONS BY EMAIL). Make sure you indicate your name, week of discussion, date etc. at the top of the discussion questions!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The gradebook will automatically drop your lowest grade, so you can miss one of these assignments without it affecting your grade.


See <Paper Topics and Due Dates> for detailed information on the papers including the grading rubric. Make sure that you read "General Points About Papers" before you write your paper!


Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Center at 949/824-7494 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.