Japanese Ghosts EA 116 Week 2 Online Lecture 1 Outline I. Historical Buddhism
1. Perception of this world as SAMSARA
4. How karma and reincarnation worked in early Hinduism and Buddhism
B. The Buddhist Solution: The Life of the Historical Buddha (The Awakened One) 1. Siddhartha Gautama (born in 6th c. B.C.E. Northern India to ruler of Shakya clan)
3. Meditates under Bodhi tree and achieves enlightenment (awakening) of "middle way" between hedonism (life of pleasure) and asceticism (life of severe self-discipline)
1. Life is constantly changing and so permeated with suffering. 2. The cause of suffering is human desire.
3. The cessation of suffering is possible. a. The cessation of the cycle of reincarnation is called NIRVANA in Buddhism.
a. Wisdom (understanding the truth of Buddha's insights) b. Morality (practicing the truth of Buddha's insights by choosing to be selfless and compassionate towards all living things) c. Mental Discipline (learning mental concentration and meditation techniques to detach oneself from the desires that keep us bound to the cycle of reincarnation)
D. Buddha's pragmatic attitude towards gods, the afterlife, ghosts, demons: 1. "I teach only suffering and the way out of suffering." 2. On his deathbed (at age 80): "You must be lamps unto yourselves." II. Buddhism After the Buddha's death A. Emperor Asoka (3rd c. BCE) 1. Supported construction of monasteries and missions to other countries 2. Buddhism eventually died out in India but continued elsewhere
1. goal was achieving the 8th step of eight-fold path: mental discipline in the form of concentration and meditation 2. focus on monastery life 3. problem:
2. Analogy: Buddhist teaching (dharma) is like a great ship/vehicle 3. Referred to Theravada as "Hinayana" (The Lesser Vehicle) III. How Mahayana attempts to incorporate Theravada/Hinayana
a. b.
a. The Buddha tempts his children who are playing in a burning house (this world of suffering) with promises of three carts (the three "vehicles" of Buddhism). When they emerge from the house, however, instead of the promised individual carts he gives them one larger cart (the one Great Bodhisattva Vehicle of Mahâyâna Buddhism).
IV. Buddhist Deities
1. Bodhisattva Kannon a. images of Jizo wearing red bib (my favorite this week) b. click here for more on Jizo and Sai no Kawara (Riverbed in Hell) where Jizo helps spirits of dead children move stones (develops 15-16th c.)
1. Amida Buddha (Amithaba, presides over the Western Pure Land)