Final Page
E102B | Dilemmas, political, religious, spiritual, moral: 1649-1725| Spring 2009|Final Exam|Van Sant|
The midterm will be on the material we have read since the midterm exam:
Dryden's Absalom & Achitophel, Astell's Reflections Upon Marriage, and Defoe's Roxana.
In the course of the exam, you should write on all three (3) of these works.
Please use a bluebook. Please put your name on the back.
You may not consult books, electronic devices, notes or neighbors.
Part I. Identify (briefly) 15 of the following items. Then use one complete sentence to explain each item further.
Part II. Choose one of the following quotations and ---
1. Write a careful paraphrase of it.
2. List the words that you think require attention.
3. Analyze the quotation, paying special attention to the terms you listed.
Part III.
In Part III, you must choose
- A) to write an essay
- B) to analyze 2 passages (as you did in the midterm).
You must make a choice. You do not have time for both A & B.
III. A. Essay: Choose one of the following essay topics to make and develop a claim. Refer to specific details to support what you have to say.
III. B. Analysis of passages: Briefly "situate" 2 of the following quotations (identify author and work and explain what's happening). Then discuss the quoted material you have chosen, dealing specifically with details.