English 102B || The Problem of the New || Spring 2013 || TuTh 9:30-10:50 a.m. ||
Midterm Exam #1 Week #4 Tuesday, 4/23 The exam will be from 9:30-10:20 We will return to lecture/discussion mode at 10:20.
Please bring a bluebook AND for the exam, put your name on the back of the bluebook. I like to be curious about whose exam I'm reading. |
Material to be covered by Miderm #1
The Radical background Pepys's Diary Defoe, Shortest Way with the Dissenters Wycherley, The Country Wife & controversy over the stage
Content of the exam |
There will be two parts to the exam. Part I. 25 minutes. Sample items: 1. mercy 2. cuckold 3. honor 4. Horner 5. dissenter 6. disguise 7. virtuous gang 8. irony 9. the Country Wife 10. State of Nature
Part II. 25 minutes Example from Defoe:
Example from Wycherley: Please note that this section for practice is longer than the section on the exam will be. It is nevertheless a good one to use for studying for the exam. Please note also that the names of speakers are abbreviated after the first listing (Hor = Horner; La Fid = Lady Fidget; Dayn= Dainty).
Some replies that could be useful to you | Replies to Section I (The numbers do not correspond to the numbers on the exam.) 1. occasional conformity
2. contract
3. Clarendon Code
4. Charles I:
5. china
6. Lucy
Replies to Section II, essay based on close analysis of text 1. Defoe's The Shortest Way with the Dissenters addresses the tensions between the High Church and occasional conformists in England. More specifically, the pamphlet exposes the extreme ideology of the church and its inability to adapt to a population that does not necessarily conform to its ideals. Defoe's pamphlet responds to these new pressures through its use of irony, extending the High Church's radical perspective to such a length as to no longer be plausible. Perhaps the most pressing issue the pamphlet adresses is the notion of a divided England. Defoe writes, "Had King James sent all the Puritans in England away to the West Indies, we had seen a national, unmixed church." Defoe, of course, is reflecting a real idea of the High Church and extending it to its logical extreme: if all dissenters are sent away, then there can be no more dissent in England. The deeper notion that Defoe is exploring is the idea that the High Church cannot tolerate a segment of the population that does not support its views. Since church and statewere so closely wedded, this becomes an indictment against an intolerant government. By reflecting the opinions of the High Church, Defoe is, in fact, exposing the institution's unreasonable rigidity. The question that arises from this tension directs itself at the state of the country. Defoe may in fact be addressing a real need; England may truly be divided, though not along the lines the High Church prescribes, and may require a unifying element. This question is further explored in the line, "If one severe law were made, and punctually executed . . ., we shou'd soon see an end of the tale, they wou'd all come to Church; and one age wou'd make us all one again." This is another example of Defoe sympathizing with the High Church's perspective for ironic effect. Yet there may be a deeper purpose to these lines. Irony aside, Defoe is portraying an England stratified not according to the High Church and occasional conformists, but reactionaly radicalism and religious progress. The central tension i The Shortest Way is that the High Church, and government by extension, cannot accommodate a changing society. The irony is that the High Church cannot see itself and its unreasonable policies in the pamphlet's language. 2. In the ending of scene V, The Country Wife makes the concluding statement upon marriage that it is fundamentally a concept created by society that the majority of people do not desire. Alithea is the most well spoken of the ladies in the play, yet in this instance even she lies, through the fact of wit, reinstating Margery's image as a naive and innocently imaginative woman from the simple countryside. Lucy bolsters the argument by cleverly adding that Margery is a "wild thing" and that naturally, when restrained, can only grow "more fierce and hungry." Lucy's mastery of langauge truly shines, as her commentary obviously alluds to Margery's sexual hunger for Horner, yet tames her words enough to appease the turbulent situation. As a satirical play, the Country Wife does not offer an ultimate solution, but rather reveals the restraining problem with marriage in a lewd and entertaining manner. Alithea states that husbands must follow a certain "doctrine" yet the specific terms remain open to interpretation, again demonstrating the combat of wit. For Alithea, the husbnd doctrine may be jealousy, considering how important she holds it to marriage. Harcourt wishes to marry Alithea which is why he openly claims that he possesses jealousy over Alithea and is "impatient till" he can become a husband. 3. At the end of The Country Wife, the characters find themselves forced to lie about their goings-on in order to maintain stability in their respective marriages and social positions. In the play lying and reputation become a substitute for real honour and virtue, such that honour becomes merely an affectation. Pinchwife unwittingly inspires his wife to desire the playgoers by forbidding her to go to the the plays; while Alithea taunts him for blaming her for Margery's curiosity. In the passage, Alithea compares her brother Pinchwife to an over-concerned gambler and assures him that "Women and Fortune are truest still to those that trust 'em." By comparing women to fortune, she emphasizes the somewhat capricious and contingent nature of women in the play. Both Alithea's advice and Lucy's further observation--"any wild thing grows more . . . hungry for being kept up"--underscore the concept that prohibition breeds desire. Thus, the play comments on the strict prohibition of women's desires in an effort to maintain social order. Forcing women to be "kept up" does not keep women ignorant as husbands such as Pinchwife would have it. Ultimately his wife is a country wife, which is an ambivalently innocent quality. Margery claims she "must be" a country wife, beasue she cannot be like a "City one," but if she were truly innocent she would not know the wiles of an urban wife. Indeed the very description country wife misleads us to believe that Margery is only capable of being naive. The similarity of the word "country" with a vulgar term for female genetalia reveals how deceitful intention can lie in an innocent epithet like "country wife." In much the same way, Margery, although new to the city, comes upon her taste for player-men and Horner through her own husband's prohibition. Despite her naivete and innocentce, she gains a taste for city life. Thus, the audience sees the fault in prohibition, as a social structure meant to edify. At the end of the play Harcourt and Dorilant use the word "edify," meaning that they agree with Alithea, but the world "edify" still retains some notion of structure. Harcourt agrees with new terms for the society which Alithea lays out: husbands should trust their wives. Because he uses the word "edify" thre is a sense that he is rebuilding the concept of what it means to have a social order. Earlier in the play, Alithea converses with Sparkish telling him that a husband compliments his wife's honour by trusting her, esteeming her to be honourable, as opposed to being suspicious of her. it is only when Sparkish doubts Alithea's honour tht she feels it virtuous to relinquish him as a suitor. Alithea still operates in a world of true honour. . . . . . . . . . . . 4. The quotation from Wycherley's The Country Wife deals with the problem of virtue and a sexual contract. The quotation reveals that the society described by the play is based on lies and false virtue, thus responding to the problem of keeping virtue in a society of debauchery where everyone's basic instincts are toward lust. The faulty contract that this society is founded upon is revealed at about the middle of this quotation when the characters share, listing their parts. By listing the parts they are in the play, they are solidifying their part in the social contract based on a lie of virtue. For example Pinchwife states his part when he says, "I must be one against my will, to a country wife." This, combined with Horner's line before, begins to shift what the word "ore" refers to in this quotation. initially, Harcourt hs it referring to the world "husband" based on what Alithea said int he previous line. However, the meaning slowly begins to change as the speaker ----- from "husband" to "cuckold." When Pinchwife speaks, then, he is saying that he has been cuckolded and must still be married to his cheating wife. The shift in the meaning of the word reveals the faultiness of this society in that it reveals the lies the societ in the play is based on. Though, literally, everyone is referring back to the word "husband," the hint of the word "cuckold" makes the two almost synonymous. Wycherley's characters, then, are revealing that the virtue of the women in this story is false and that lust will always win against virtue. The society, then, must accept this fact and build their social contract on such a faulty foundation. Another example of the problem of a fault in he social contract based on lies comes when Margery Pinchwife speaks her aside to Lucy and Mr. Horner. In addressing them, she says, "you'll have me tell more lies" and then lies to Pinchwife to keep the lie from unwinding. By consenting to lie to her husband, Margery has agreed to live in the social contract based on lies that both Horner and Lucy wish her to enter. While before in the play, she had tried to shift her place in the social contract, she now accepts her role as a silent observer of the lies her society is based on. She does so in order to prevent anarchy and chaos, for if she told the truth, the onlt person that wold get off as innocent would be Alithea. Thus, her consent to abide by the social contract holds the society together. Her disagreement would cause a collapse, just as Hobbes explains in his idea of the "body politic": in order for he society to function, every one must enter int the social contract and uphold it. Thus, in a way, almost everyone's virtue and honor in the play is based on Margery's decision to lie to her husband in this scene because if she hadn't accepted the social contract and helped to solve the problem ....... The final person to seal the social contract in an ------- society is Mr. Pinchwife. In be grudgingly believing wha his "friends" have said about Mr. Horner, and accepting the lie that his wife says to him, Pinchwife is entering the social contract and abiding by the faulty society. We can see his acceptance in the last lines of this quotation, when he states that "for [his] own sake, fain [he] would believe." By consenting to believe everyone, even if it is just for the sake of his own sanity, Pinchwife is entering into the social contrat based on a faulty virtue . . . . . . . |